Day 5
The Bible takes us back to the Lord who produced the Bible, the Creed, and the Church. In it we find Him. It is a means of Grace by which, in which, and through which Christ comes to us. We must look past the Bible as literature to see the Lord; and then in, by and through the Scriptures hear Him speak to us today.
You can see what this means to the
Church if you will consider some practical dangers that surround us. There is the danger that if we are not guided
by the objective fact of God’s action for us in Christ that we will simply
reflect the world around us. There is
the danger which our tradition sees very clearly, that men will preach
themselves, or impose upon others, innovations which are contrary to God’s
Word. There is the danger that we will
take as our authority our own “feelings, passions, impulses”, rather than God’s
Word. This world is only going to be
saved if we preach God’s truth; and that means that we must bring to our age a
message which is not of this age. We all
have our own backgrounds, different homes, and tastes; but we ought not to think like northerners or
southerners, like rich people or poor people, like High Churchman or Low
Churchman, like white people or colored people.
If we do, we divide ourselves, think like the world thinks, and bear no
salvation to men. We must turn to that
Light which brightens our dark sky, and let the same mind be in us which was
also in Christ Jesus. We are not
gathered here to please ourselves. We are not here to cater to the public. We are the Body of Christ, God’s people,
placed on earth to do His will; and His Truth, high and lifted up, shines for
us in the pages of Holy Writ.