Day 1
First, since the Church was founded by Christ and He is its living head; since it is a divine body meant to be God’s instrument; it will always be renewed from above by waiting upon the Lord, by looking up, by worship. In prayer and worship, which are means of Grace by which God’s life comes to us, we become what we could not otherwise become. “This is why every Apostle, every Father of the Church, every leader and theologian who said anything of lasting value or helped to renew the Church – all these men were teachers of prayer and lovers of Scripture through which they communed with their living Lord”. We revive when we look up, and in the Scriptures, Prayer, Sacrament receive the food which is offered to us. We revive when we look up and receive to ourselves “the incomprehensible Grandeur of the Lord.” “Both for perplexity and for dulled conscience the remedy is the same; sincere and spiritual worship. “For,” says William Temple, “worship is the submission of all our nature to God. It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness; the nourishment of mind with His truth; the purifying of imagination of His beauty; the opening of the heart to His love; the surrender of will to His purpose – and all this gathered up in adoration, the most selfless emotion of which our nature is capable and therefore the chief remedy for that self-centeredness which is our original sin and the source of all actual sin. Yes – worship in spirit and truth is the way to the solution of perplexity and to the liberation from sin.”
Church is renewed from above, and we miss the whole point of our faith if we do
not see that to worship is the greatest thing we do. Since we are set in the midst of a secular
culture, we are doubtless tempted to believe that renewal will come with better
organization, promotion, public relations, the acquiring of more money, or any
of these secondary things; but, we must realize that worship is the most
important thing we do simply because it alone changes our hearts and strikes at
the center of our being. As we worship,
and truly worship, all good things flow from that worship…