Day 2
In the first mediation we thought together about the central place of worship in the renewal of the Church… We only deserve to grow as a Church if our devotion in God’s glory is deep, strong, and sure. Now we can turn to the second means by which the Church is renewed.
Church is renewed by clear, exact, and precise thought. A living Church always has a definite
creed. If we are to be God’s instrument,
we must be able to show truth to the minds of men, and to proclaim that
Christianity is not just helpful and beneficial; it is true. And because it is true, it is helpful and
beneficial. Suppose that some hungry
soul were to come among us and then turn away sadly saying, “They’re a vague
lot without much to say for themselves.”
Weak reasoning can prevent the entrance of many people into the Church;
and one of the interesting things to see is how converts to the Church such as
C.S. Lewis, become clear expositors of the faith. They know what led them to the Church and
what people on the outside need and are hungry.
When we go forth in missionary endeavor, we must be able to give to
people a truer because profounder interpretation of the sickness of our society
and the hunger of their own hearts. As
St. Peter said, Be ready always to give and answer to every man that asketh
you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
truth of the matter is that a Church is made by what it believes; and, in the
words of P.T. Forsyth, “A Church needs a religion carried upon final and
creative truth, not crackling with brisk modernity and steaming with amiable
haze.” We affirm a pattern of belief
which supports honesty, and does not leave it floating in mid-air. God is Truth; and His Son came to win us to
obedience to that God. God asks truth of
His children, for are we not members of one another? The problem of society is the problem of
(poor) religious belief.